Great news, beer lovers! Starting today you’ll be able to get your beer-stained mitts on the latest issue of The Growler.
We’re deep into friends-and-family and / or hardcore hibernation season! Order your copy of The Growler’s third Ontario issue, with a much-expanded brewery directory that includes a wide swath of the eastern end of the province, from Peterborough to Ottawa.
Naturally, a four-issue subscription to The Growler makes an excellent holiday gift! December 14 will be the cut-off day when we’ll send whatever order we have before the holiday break.
But if you’re not going to get yourself a subscription, the next best place to find us is in a brewery retail store. We’ll be distributing there this week and into next week. And, breweries, if you haven’t placed your order, get in touch soon!
For our winter issue, we’re breaking open the details on Ontario’s bought tap lines and sharing the good news about a new snitch line that might finally stop the practice. On a more festive note, we have a step-by-step on constructing an advent calendar for any occasion. Also, Tweedy and Broeders, two heavyweights of Ontario’s beer scene duke it out in our Brewer vs. Brewer. Save the sunny escape for the end of winter and join us on a quick jaunt to Montreal. And it’s winter so that means we’re sucking back the oysters and this season it’s not just stout we’re drinking with them thanks to our oyster-pairing guide.
Now that we’re into number three, we hear from beer friends who were a bit late to the game and want to make sure they have a complete set. For issue two, you’re in luck: It’s still on sale here. Unfortunately, issue one is a touch more complicated. We only have a very limited supply and they’re across the country from our distribution team — but — at least for a little while, we’ll bring what we have left to any beer festivals or other events we show up. Come find us and we’ll sell you a copy of our inaugural issue for a twoonie!