Paired with Waterloo Brewing’s Send It Hazy IPA Waterloo Brewing proudly opened their doors in 1984, becoming Ontario’s first craft brewery. Stop by the taphouse any day of the week to experience their in-house kitchen and beer. While you’re there, […]
Brewer vs Brewer: The estate-grown hops edition
At the beginning of the Modern Era of Craft Beer in Ontario, the province’s breweries had a lot of catching up to do with their counterparts in the United States. Until 2012 there was no reliably available IPA on shelves […]
News and Notes: July 12, 2024
NEWS Well, they done did it. Didn’t nobody think they’d do it, but they done did it. The LCBO employees have gone on strike for the first time since the advent of the organization in 1927. It has taken nearly […]
Style snapshot: A guide to the elegant, versatile Vienna Lager
WHAT IS IT? A standard strength, amber-coloured lager that contains rich, toasty malt character without being heavy, and reassuring hop bitterness without being assertive. DANGER LEVEL May provoke waltzing at Quinceaneras. GLASS Willi Becher/Dimpled Mug STYLE STATS ABV: 4.7%-5.5% IBU: […]
News and Notes: June 28, 2024
Look! Over yonder! There’s a beaver and a loon swimming arm in arm while patriotic music swells! Behind them a moose carefully waves a flag while standing in a canoe, never letting it crease the rippling waters. Nearby, a Polar […]
The life of a future brewer
The transition from beer enthusiast to brewmaster I was sixteen when I decided to become a brewer. Well, maybe we’d have to go back further to when I joined my mother on take your kid to work day. She happened to […]
News and Notes: June 14, 2024
You will not be surprised to know that with the impending celebration of Father’s Day, the inbox at The Growler has been inundated with suggestions about what Fathers might want. Breweries from Toronto, Ottawa, and London paint a picture of […]
A diamond in the rough
St. Veronus Cafe and Tap Room delivers an authentic Belgiam “brown café” experience Over the years of driving up the 115 and passing through the windswept and arcane streets of Peterborough, Ontario, a single restaurant tucked away on Hunter Street […]
News and Notes: May 31, 2024
Greetings from Chicago, where your intrepid editor is attending some training at the Siebel Institute related to beer. This is a pretty reasonable time to reveal that George Brown College will be offering WSET Certification in beer this coming Autumn, […]
Collingwood’s brewing good
…pretty great, actually Nestled snugly on the shores of Georgian Bay, Collingwood might be more renowned for its skiing escapades and scenic hikes, but let me tell you, my fellow beer enthusiasts, there’s more to this place than just picturesque […]