With winter coming to an end, your ability to get out into the world and visit breweries is about to dramatically increase. That’s why we’re glad that you’ve picked up a copy of The Growler, so that you can find […]
Granite Brewery’s Jerk Chicken Wings
Paired with Third Moon Brewing’s Rise As the leaves start to change colours and Ontario slides into sweater weather, know that this Jerk Chicken Wing recipe will keep your spirits high all season long. The Granite Brewery has been operating […]
A guide to Ontario’s cold IPA
(or how I learned to stop being a hater and just enjoy the damn beer) Ontario’s beer market is in the midst of a monumental change when it comes to craft beer and the companies that make it. Consolidation and […]
Co-op students: preparing your brewery for a busy summer
Even in the depths of winter, it’s important not to lose sight of the challenges that breweries face during the busier months. With warmer weather comes increased sales, increased traffic through your taproom, and an entire season of festivals and […]
Brewer vs. Brewer: The Belgian-style brewers edition
While the province of Ontario is up to nearly 400 breweries, many of them make beers in similar styles. The near total dominance of the IPA category and the use of aromatic hop additions has resulted in a situation where […]
What are you drinking, January 2023 edition
This month we’re going Kingston-centric, Junior Rangers. We’ve got a couple of beer loving individuals who help make the beer scene in that great city what it is. Name: Kathy Yan Li Occupation: Day job in emergency services, but I […]
You ought to go to Ottawa
Capital beers in the capital city Our nation’s capital usually plays second fiddle as a tourist destination to Montreal and Toronto but it’s a great place for anyone, let alone a beer hound, to stop in for a few nights. […]
That crisp, cold glass of gold
This past summer was a particularly humid one and paired with work ramping up, I quite often had a drink in my hand. Sometimes it would be an iced coffee or the odd hefeweizen (it’s my favourite summer beer), but […]
Three Ontario beers you have to try this winter
Here at The Growler, we love to pair our beer with the seasons. Here are three we think you should try, with handy links to purchase too. Cheers! Black Gold Brewery’s Angry Redhead 22 IBU / 5.3% ABV Angry Redhead […]
Style snapshot: A guide to the sessionable yet contemplative ESB
WHAT IS IT? A top fermented ale just that little bit stronger and darker than a typical pub strength English Bitter, among the stronger offerings from English breweries, but average for American craft beer. DANGER LEVEL Expensive pub session possible […]